James A. Cioffi, Esq. 250 Tequesta Drive, Suite 200 Jupiter FL 33469


Estate Planning

Having an experienced attorney review your will can give you comfort in knowing your final wishes will be facilitated by a professional you can trust.

When someone writes their own trust, there are a myriad of common mistakes that can result in beneficiaries having to hire an attorney at a much higher rate to deal with problems after the person dies. Having the assistance of an attorney can assure you that your loved ones will not be burdened with issues that arise from an improperly written trust.

Power of Attorney:
Assigning a Power of Attorney involves giving someone you trust the ability to write checks, sign official documents and handle other legal matters on your behalf, and can be one of the most important decisions you make. I can provide you with all necessary forms and guidance to assist you in this process, and ensure that the person you appoint has all your necessary documents organized, including an official copy of your Power of Attorney.

Living Will:
A living will is a paper that tells your doctors or others providing your health care when you want them to stop life-sustaining medical treatment and let you die. It’s in your best interest to have this important legal document reviewed by an experienced attorney.

Health Care Designation:
If you’re like most people, you aren’t eager to spend time thinking about what would happen if you became unable to direct your own medical care because of illness, an accident, or advanced age. However, if you don’t consult an attorney in planning your wishes about the kinds of treatment you do or don’t want to receive and naming someone you trust to oversee your care, these important matters could wind up in the hands of estranged family members, doctors, or sometimes even judges, who may know very little about what you would prefer.

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